Speaking Engagements

Christina speaks frequently at Universities, Hospitals and Professional Organizations about financial planning strategies for Health Care Professionals.
Some of the most frequently requested topics include:
“Reducing Stress Through Financial Health”
Did you know that money issues are one of the top 10 stressors on the Stress Scale? Christina has spoken to many audiences about how to reduce the money stressors in your life. Learn how to make the right choices to reduce your stress from an expert with many stories and strategies to share.
“Financial Health for the Registered Nurse”
Did you know you will spend 50% of your income on just 5 major purchases? Do you know how to make the right choices? Christina has presented this 2 hour program to Health Care Professionals and Graduating Nursing Seniors with rave reviews sharing humorous anecdotal stories coupled with very practical advice.
“How to Retire without Quitting your Job’ and ‘5 Questions you must answer before you Retire”
Healthcare is challenging right now and many are wondering if they can retire. In these presentations, Christina shares tips about how to retire without quitting your job. But, if you are determined to retire, invite her to give you the answers to the ‘5 Questions you must answer before you retire’.